Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

Dear Fam fam,

This week has been very difficult. I hope it`s just because it`s almost Christmas.

     Funny story... for you guys at least. On Monday that one Snakey Girl from the terminal (that time when I was picking up Elder Villabla) appeared again. She suddenly appeared and she was all like "hey what`s up blah blah blah". I tried to escape by saying "we have an appointment", but she said "oh okay I`ll go with you", so we walked around for half an hour doing contacts with her bugging us. She left for a little bit after getting bored, but she came back. She repeated this like five times. I don`t know how she kept finding us, but she did. When we got back to the pension we drew drawings of her as a giant snake and I had to fight her. Tuesday The snake found us again at the terminal while we were waiting for a bus after district meeting. We were with two more missionaries and one is tall and blond, but she didn`t even notice them, just me. More drawings of snake battles at night.
     Wednesday we ate lunch and then did divisions. I was with Elder Rodeback from Minnesota. It was a nice break talking in English. Elder Rodeback must be lucky or something because the people that I really wanted to visit were home and we had great lessons with them. First was Andrea and Eulogio and Rosa Velazquez. They are kind of progressing. Then we finally found military guy Sergio Sosa and finally taught him the Restoration. Good lesson, accepted Baptismal Invitation.
     Thursday we tried setting up the map. Tape doesn`t work with styrofoam. Wasted 2 hours of Plan Guasu trying to do that. Gave up though. Ate spagetti for lunch. That morning Elder Rodeback broke the water tank, so we had to stick around 2 hours after lunch while the Dueño tried to fix it. Didn`t do a good job.

     Friday we talked to Carlos Faraone again. He said he would read the Book of Mormon and look for an answer, but he would not, I repeat NOT, accept a baptismal date. He kept saying "don`t rush me Singson" and I would say "It`s just a goal, we won`t baptize you if you aren`t ready", but he wouldn`t accept. Later we taught Victor who actually has been reading the Book of Mormon. All he needs to do now is start praying and go to church. The last option is going to be hard though because he is taking a long vacation to visit his family in Argentina and he won`t be back until the end of January. Ugh.
     Saturday we ate rotisary chicken for lunch and Lomito Arabe for dinner. I didn`t have to pay for any of it. It made me happy. Sunday there was a football game and nobody let us talk to them. They all went crazy afterwards. I kinda felt like I was in danger.

That was my week. Bwye bwye,
Elder Zachary James Singson

Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011

 First things first, Sorry Dad I forgot to say something last week... ¡Happy Birthday!
I`m such a bad child.

Anyways I got your packages last week. Thank Gma And Gpa for all the goods (Especially all the beef jerky). All the candy is gone now though, but that`s what you get for sharing, oh well. I really liked Job 34:31 and the Chastisemints. The satan heads really creeped me out. To every time there is a "seasoning" was really funny. You put 3 Nephi 27:14, but I think you meant 13, I really liked the mini preach my gospel. I still have no Idea how D&C 88:124 connects with now and laters. Mosiah 4:16 was funny, ha ha succor. I liked everything, but those are the ones I remembered most. The music you sent doesn`t work with my music player by the way, I`ll have to find a way to change the format.

On to the week!

     Tuesday the bus left early, so we had to wait 30 minutes for the next one to Coronel Oviedo. Then once we got there we waited 45 minuted for a bus to take us to the capilla for district meeting. It was frustrating. Got my packages though. We taught a guy we randomly found in the street named Carlos Andino, the first thing he asked is "why don`t you guys believe in Maria?" He is just crazy enough to become a member. Later we taught Victor his sister Mirian Medina and invited them to pray to find the truth and see if they should get baptized. Victor says he doesn't like to be obligated to do things and he has very little faith, but he said he would try it. What surprised me was when Mirian said "I`m fine how I am. We explained to her authority again, and she said she would pray, but it didn't seem like she even cared. I`m not sure what will happen.

     Wednesday was depressing because we taught a guy and he accepted a baptismal date, but he lives in the other elders area. Thursday I learned a new word Bochorno or Bochornoso. While we were eating at Flia Gomez`s they got into a huge fight and afterwards my comp taught me that new word. It basically means Embarrassing. That day we taught Lorenzo after not being able to teach him for a long time. Lorenzo told us a bunch of crazy Catholic church stories. I`m not sure if he will change, but I can`t believe how gullible and blind this people are. If people get possessed every time you go to a Catholic activity ¿Doesn't that mean that Satan is constantly present? Isn`t that the logical explanation? To me it seems so obvious, but I also have the spirit of discernment with me, so I guess I can`t blame them. But I will anyways ¡Que Bochornoso!

     Friday we taught 7 lessons. It was Virgin Maria day or whatever, so we taught a bunch of random people who were at home. The first lesson was at 11am to a drunk guy (Drunk at 11am?). I showed him Galatians 5 were it says that Drunks can`t go to heaven and he cried. Then we gave him a Word of Wisdom and a lesson 3 pamphlet, because it talks about repentance. I`m pretty sure his entire family was drunk. He kissed our hands goodbye Eww! Later we taught a guy who believes in the book of mormon and Joseph Smith, but it doesn't matter, he is still catholic. Ugh! Third random guy started out as a contact, but by the end he wanted to read Joseph Smith History to learn more about him.  The fourth random guy was a drunk who contacted us outside the church. He wanted us to "cure" him of his Alcoholic ways, so we did a kneeling prayer on the sidewalk and gave him a Word of Wisdom pamphlet. Problem is he doesn't want to choose to give it up, he just wants a quick and permanent fix.

     After English class, with only one student, we went and taught Victor again. He actually read the part we left him and more, so he had some questions for us. I talked too much, but besides that the lesson went really well and he says he will read the Book and Pray. On the way to the house we contacted a guy named Carlos Faraone. He asked me (In poor English) "Would you like to drink water with me in my House?" So he took us to his house (Chuchi) and bought us Sprite and Empenadas and he let me hold his pet monkey. ¡¡AWESOME!! Then we taught him and he accepted a baptismal invitation. ¡¡Double AWESOME!! Turns out he is friends with our lawyer member Hno Mercado, so he already has a good connection with the church.

     Saturday we talked to Carlos Andino again and all I can say is he watches TV too much. Sunday a bunch of random people came to church including Jose (Who is gay) with a "friend". Later we taught Lorenzo again. He almost dropped us, but I`m to smart. He also told us more crazy Catholic stories. We gave a blessing to a dying lady, who is mother of an investigator, and we taught her entire family The Plan of Salvation. They didn't listen very well, but at least we are on the good side of our investigators. Alcidez Brisuela dropped us after a very long explanation of why. He says he wants to search for the truth on his own and not be influence by anybody. 20 lessons this week ¡¡WOO!!

Elder Zachary James Singson

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 5, 2011

Hello Family,

This week is a little boring. A lot happened and then a lot not. So I`m exhausted.

     So the changes that happened were very eventful, so instead of waiting till Tuesday during District Meeting they told us Monday. Elder Yaringaño got changed to Ayolas by the river, so he spent our Pday cleaning, packing, stressing, etc. When we left to proselyte all we did was say goodbye, no lessons. Tuesday we all went to Coronel Oviedo and did divisions all day and wednesday everybody left.
     For my divisions I was with Elder Wistinsen. He practiced Brazilian Jujitsu, I connected really well with him. That night there was a Farewell party for Elder Skinner who went home. At 1am I took Elder Skinner to the terminal and was supposed to pick up my Comp. Unfortunately my comp didn`t arrive on the bus we thought. So I was alone for an entire 10 minutes on my way back to the zone leaders pension. It was really dangerous because there are always Prostitutes that work on that road. Then I waited for the next bus to arrive at 3:30am and went with the Zone leaders to the terminal. 
     My new Comp, Elder Villalba from Argentina (Huhui or something like that), and I were supposed to take a bus back to Villarrica at 4:30am, but it didn`t come, so we ended up waiting until 7:30am to catch a different bus. During this time we talked and saw all the other Elders arrive and leave. Turns out that Elder Villalba is practically a Latin version of Elder Parker. A random member girl from Asuncion asked for my Facebook and a Book of Mormon. So I asked for references from Villarrica. She gave me the references so I complied. Anyways we got back to Villarrica at 8ish. 
    The zone leaders gave us permission to sleep in for a bit because I only got 2 hours of sleep before hand. Slept in until Lunch at 1pm. Ate at Flia Mercado`s. Went to pick up my clothes. Randomly there was a crazy storm that only lasted 30 minutes. Wierd. Cleaned up the pension of Elder Yaringaño`s junk and let Elder Villalba unpack. Pulled out money and bought food. Didn`t really do anything else.

    Thursday was a Plan Gua`u (Fake). I basically just went through all the Investigators and gave Elder Villalba background information on them. We went out to work, but didn`t really accomplish anything. Celebrated a birthday of an investigating family`s little girl. Did tons of contacts, but we can`t get in any lessons. Sometimes we get lucky, but the people don`t really want to progress they just were being polite. That is how the rest of the week went.
     Friday I taught English class by myself again. Saturday we celebrated 3 more birthdays. Hna Raquel, Elder Pastul, and Miguel Àngel all had thier birthday on that weekend so we ate an Asado. Sunday I think the food gave me chivivi, so we couldn`t follow our plans because I had to stay close to the house. 36 people came to church.

Sorry that this week`s email was kind of lame, but you get what ya gat and you don`t throw a fat... chick out the window.

Love ya,
Elder Zachary James Singson